Teach, Relax, Repeat

I’ve been really bad at updating my blog. This is largely due to my ridiculous hours at work. I have been working 10- 12 hour days at the school and still bringing work home with me plus , least one full weekend day is spent marking. Not a particularly enjoyable way to spend my time abroad. I know that I am here to work, but that’s only half my story. I am also abroad to travel and experience places, cultures, and people that I wouldn’t have the chance to interact with back home.    I’m desperately trying to find a balance, now more than ever as my housemates and I have been informed that our house is being sold… we are currently in limbo, waiting for the axe to fall. Once we get notice we will have two months in our flat. Therefore, I am at a point where I need to decide between cutting my losses and returning home or trying to find another short term let. This was not how I pictured year two in London. I have so many things left to check off my ever growing list, I know I won’t get through it all but I have to do better than visiting nine countries in a year and a half (granted, after new years I will have visited Scotland three times!). My countdown is on, can I squeeze the most out of this experience or will it end up wasted?